Facelift / Necklift

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Facelift / Necklift

Drooping of the facial skin resulting increases around the mouth, loose neck skin and jowl formation is treated with a facelift. This procedure can be a “limited” or “full” depending on the amount of droopiness. The excess neck and face skin is removed along with a tightening of the muscle/fascia layer right under the skin.

The incisions are made around the ear with a second small incision sometimes used under the chin. This operation is often coupled with blepharoplasty surgery and brow lift. 

Local with sedation( “twilight anesthesia”) or general anesthesia is used and surgical time varies between two and four hours. No overnight hospital stay is required.

When the lower face - the jawline and neck - is showing more signs of aging than the cheeks, eyes, or forehead, a neck lift (or lower rhytidectomy) is a good option to improve the wrinkles and sagging. A neck lift can also remove stubborn fat deposits that remain in this area after weight loss.

Recovery from face and neck lifts usually takes several weeks for swelling to subside; the incision lines will fade after a few months. During the recovery period, it's important to keep the head elevated and the incisions protected from any abrasions or sudden movements. As with any procedure, neck lifts and facelifts have risks involved with them. Fully understanding and cooperating with your plastic surgeon's post-operative care instructions will help to reduce the chance of complications.

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Try Facelift / Necklift for a younger appearance of the face and neck. Call Milford Medical And Aesthetic Care today at (203) 301-5860 to schedule a consultation!

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