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Botox is a drug that relaxes muscles. When injected into the forehead and areas around the eyes it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles that are already present, and slow the development of future wrinkles.  The procedure is done in the office, takes about 15 minutes and is tailored for each patient to completely or partially relax the injected muscles, achieving a younger, non stressed look without sacrificing the ability to show facial emotion when desired.

Restylane and Juviderm  are injectable products used to fill in facial wrinkles and age creases as well as for lip size enhancement. The injections are performed in the office with a topical or injected anesthetic and take 20 to 40 minutes.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

An abdominoplasty is performed to remove excess skin and fat from the stomach area and to tighten loose abdominal muscles; most often the result of pregnancy or significant weight loss.  It is sometimes coupled with liposuction and takes between three and four hours to complete.  General anesthesia is used, and frequently the patient will stay one night in the hospital for recovery. (For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures)

Breast Augmentation
Breast enlargement surgery is performed as an outpatient under general anesthesia.  It involves an incision in the crease under the breast, around the lower half of the nipple, or in the armpit. A breast implant filled with saline or silicone is inserted, usually under the chest wall muscle located behind the breast ( pectoralis muscle). Surgical time is between one and a half and two hours and no overnight hospital stay is needed.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Mastopexy ( Breast Lift )
Drooping breasts sometimes can be treated just with Breast Augmentation alone, but frequently a lift will also have to be used. This lift is done to bring the nipple back into a higher position pointing forward and can be done with or without use of a breast implant. The incision is made around the edge of the nipple and sometimes down the front of the breast ( “lollipop incision”) . General anesthesia is used and the surgery takes between two and four hours with no overnight hospital stay.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Breast Reduction
When large breasts cause neck, shoulder or back pain breast reduction surgery is recommended to reduce the weight carried on the front of the chest.  This surgery involves removal of breast gland, fat, and skin and also involves a breast lift. Incisions are made around the nipple and down the front of the breast (“lollipop incision”), but larger breasts may also require an incision under the breast in the breast crease (“anchor incision”). General anesthesia is used and no overnight stay is required. This surgery is often covered by insurance.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Male Breast Surgery 
 Breast gland enlargement in males ( gynecomastia ) is most often caused by hormonal imbalance experienced during puberty and by some medications. This can result in large breasts or nipples which can be very embarrassing, limiting the patient’s willingness to take his shirt off. All ages are affected.  Treatment most often involves an incision around the lower half of the nipple through which the extra breast tissue is removed, and is often supplemented by liposuction. Occasionally, liposuction alone can solve the problem. General anesthesia is used, and surgical time is about two hours to do both breasts. No overnight stay in the hospital is needed.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Areas in the body ,including the trunk, arms, legs and neck that have excess fat can be treated by liposuction.  This procedure involves infusing a solution of saline, adrenaline and xylocaine into the fat pocket followed by aspiration to remove the fluid and fat, allowing the skin over the fat pocket to shrink to a tighter shape. Small incisions are made in various fold lines in the body and are very difficult to see. General or local anesthesia with sedation (“twilight anesthesia”) is used and surgical time varies between one and three hours. This procedure is often used to supplement tummy tuck surgery. Usually no overnight stay in the hospital is needed.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Surgery after Weight Loss
With significant weight loss often comes loose skin involving the abdomen, breasts, arms, thighs and face. Surgical treatments are staged and involve combinations of tummy tucks, body lifts, breast lifts (often with implants), or sometimes breast reductions, along with liposuction, thigh lifts and facelifts.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)
Excess upper arm tissue and fat can be treated with an arm lift. This procedure involves incisions in the armpit and along the inner aspect of the upper arm and is frequently supplemented with liposuction. Extra skin and fat is removed to reduce the hanging tissue in the upper arm. General anesthesia is used and the usual surgical time is two hours. No overnight stay in the hospital is needed.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Thigh Lift
Excess inner thigh skin can be treated with a thigh lift.  This procedure involves incisions in the groin and sometimes down the inner aspect of the thigh allowing the surgeon to remove extra fat and skin. Liposuction is often used to supplement the lift, and the surgery takes two to three hours. Most often a hospital overnight stay is not needed. General anesthesia is used.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Blepharoplasty ( Eyelid Surgery )
Extra eyelid skin and puffiness giving that tired look is treated with skin and fat removal during blepharoplasty surgery. This treatment can involve either or both the upper and lower eyelids, and sometimes is coupled with a brow lift.  Local anesthesia with sedation (“twilight anesthesia”) or general anesthesia is used and the procedure involves making an incision in the upper eyelid crease and either inside the lower eyelid, or along the lower eyelid lash line. The surgery takes between one and two hours and is done as an outpatient with no overnight stay.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Brow Lift ( Elevation of Drooping Eyebrows)
This procedure is performed to bring eyebrows that have drooped (become ptotic) back into proper position, taking away that “heaviness” commonly seen around the upper eyelid with aging.  It is frequently coupled with blepharoplasty surgery, and involves small incisions made in the scalp hair which are very easy to hide from view. Surgical time is about one hour and can be done with local and sedation (“twilight anesthesia”) or general anesthesia with no overnight stay in the hospital.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

 Drooping of the facial skin resulting in creases around the mouth , loose neck skin and jowl formation is treated with a facelift. This procedure can be a “limited” or “full” depending on the amount of droopiness. The excess neck and face skin is removed along with a tightening of the muscle/fascia layer right under the skin. The incisions are made around the ear with a second small incision sometimes used under the chin. This operation is often coupled with blepharoplasty surgery and brow lift.  Local with sedation( “twilight anesthesia”) or general anesthesia is used and surgical time varies between two and four hours. No overnight hospital stay is required.( For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures)

Ear Reshaping (Otoplasty)
Protruding ears can be reshaped through an incision made behind the ear, allowing the surgeon to trim and modify the ear cartilage to bring the ear closer to the skull. This situation is due to a congenital problem with ear development and is frequently treated between the ages of six and eight, although many adults also have the surgery. Local with sedation (“twilight anesthesia”) or general anesthesia is used and the operation takes about two hours. No overnight stay is needed. (For more information go to and click on Patients and Consumers, then Procedures )

Other procedures often performed to reshape the ear involve earlobe repair or reconstruction due to earing "pull through" leaving a split earlobe, earlobe elongation secondary to aging or "gauging" of the earlobes that leave a large , central earlobe hole.  These repairs are done in the office under local anesthesia.

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